Our Expertise

Our vision is to integrate energy efficient and eco-friendly products into our environment to increase sustainability. We seek to balance form and functionality to provide a healthy, comfortable and safe condition for work or play. This vision drives the 4-business segment which IDAS Technology is operating: Architectural Green Solution, HPLED Energy Efficient Lighting System, Solar Energy System and Fire Safety Application.

IDAS Technology provide Design and Build solutions for the building, taking into consideration customer’s demands, environmental factors but not forgetting the mandatory safety requirement. Throughout these years, we have developed a fine-tuned and successful synergy between innovative technical solutions and inspiring architectural design which makes us the perfect choice to partner with for a Design and Build System.

We are constantly keeping in touch with the latest Standards and Authority requirement so that we can offer accurate solutions to our clients. By integrating technology, engineering and design, iDAS Technology creates essential systems that work seamlessly in our everyday lives

Read more about our ventures with multinational companies like Kingspan Group, Shanghai Mega Union Architectural Technology etc.

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